How to destroy Red Vines in Returnal
Image via Housemarque
Returnal is all most slowly making progress over multiple lives. Expiry comes frequently and sometimes apace, only you should be able to brand a pocket-size amount of permanent progress on each run.
When yous first start playing the game, much of the globe will exist closed off to you lot, locked away behind diverse barriers and obstacles. One of these obstacles is the Ruby-red Vines that abound similar a cage, trapping beneficial items behind them, out of your reach.
To break through these vines, players will demand to find the Atropian Blade, a permanent upgrade that can exist unlocked if they make it to the right department of the map. While the world that players explore is ever-changing, their goals are non. Upon starting to play the game, players will quickly exist tasked with finding a mode to destroy cerise energy walls located around the world.
Past following the orange chevron on the minimap, players will come to a carmine teleporter room. The teleporter will non be working, merely there will be a dead automaton on the ground.
Interacting with this will earn players the Atropian Blade, a useful device that can destroy energy walls, red vines, and fifty-fifty enemies. It has a cursory cooldown between uses and can easily one-shot lesser threats. It can also exist used to cut through the ruddy vines, getting at the of import items hidden behind them.
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